Can't you hear his little giggle?!?!
I'm so sorry, Cohen...I won't let Nathan make you watch any more boring news shows. I looked away for one minute, and this is what happened! I'm just teasing...Nathan was so sweet with Cohen. He gave him his bottle and everything! In fact, I was beginning to think Cohen preferred Nathan over me because, well...he did! :-) I'm just teasing again. We had such a good time loving on this precious miracle.
There he goes. He scooted right over to the Christmas tree to check out all the lights. You can see the joy of Christmas all over his face!
I love this picture because it looks like he's waving at me and saying, "Hey!" But, he's really just reaching for the Christmas lights under the tree where he was exploring. That's okay...we'll pretend.
This is a picture of his beautiful Mommy, Kenley-- the very reason he is such a precious baby! She takes such good care of him and nurtures him so well. She makes him so happy and comfortable. I can't wait to see how his personality develops to see if he has her witty sense of humor and excellent and intellectual discernment or if he will be more like his Daddy, Brandon, who is calm, quiet and intelligent, but who likes to joke, too. I imagine he'll be a good combination, but one thing is for sure- Cohen will grow up knowing what it means to love the Lord because he will see it in both of his parents.

And for the grand's the little man with Santa for his first Christmas! What a priceless photo. I love you, Cohen. You've stolen my heart!
Cohen is lucky to have such a sweet "aunt" Elizabeth! He is SO cute! I know he will be fun because Kenley is so sweet and funny!
He is so precious!!! And I love that pic. of him with typical ha j/k! -Hannah-
I love seeing these Cohen pictures. He is darling cute! You two make great babysitters.
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