Hello! This is my first official post. YEAH!! Thanks to my sweet friend Kelly I am now a part of the blogging world. Also, I have been inspired for quite some time by all you bloggers out there. Isn't it fun to keep up with each other, be encouraged by each other, pray for each other, and be strengthened by others' strories simply by reading a blog? I have to admit, the first time I heard the word I thought it was some funky virus you were probably supposed to avoid or from which you were supposed to protect your computer! Oh how far I've come! My technologically savvy twin sister, Jennifer, rescued me from appearing the idiot by filling me in and then creating a blog of her own which you should definitely check out. She's an excellent writer and one of my favorite people in the whole world! To all of you who will eventually find my blog, thank you for allowing me to read yours...you have blessed me even though you are unaware of the sweet blessings you have given. I'll post more later. Happy Reading!
I tried a comment earlier but I don't think it went through. I am so happy you are blogging now. I look forward to reading it!
I'm so excited you are blogging! Can't wait to see what all you write about!!!
Blogging for me was slow at first but now it's addictive! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do now!
Yea, I'm so glad you're up and running! You're no longer a blog stalker :) I love you set up and background--very cute!
Hi! I'm a friend of Kelly's and saw the link to your new page on her blog! I love the design/colors on your page! I look forward to reading... Jamie
Friend of Kellys.. Can't wait to read your blog! I also teach at a Middle School here in NWA! : )
I tried to comment earlier but the internet with psycho so I'm going to try again!
WELCOME to Blogworld!! We're so glad to have you! And I for one am glad to have another friend to add to my list!! Happy Blogging!!!
and obviously I didn't proof read my comment..."with" should be "went." So sorry! :)
Elizabeth, I'm glad Kelly got you started with a blog. She got me started too and I think it's alot of fun! Glad you and your husband are friends with Kelly and Scott.
Look forward to reading your blog!
Kelly's Mom
WELCOME!! Your sweet friend, who I don't know, but love, Kelly, asked me to come over and say hi!
So, hi and welcome to this most awesome world of the blog!
I'll be over again and again! I'm an Arkansas girl who lives in TN and I welcome you with a big ole Razorback/Volunteer southern hug!
I heard on the the radio this morning that www.jjjasper.com has posted some short little Christmas readings. I thought that you might want to use one for your family Christmas get together.
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