He never ceases to amaze me...
My dear husband never ceases to amaze me. Last week I was rummaging through a closet, as I was doing a little reorganization (one of my favorite things!), and he spotted these pictures. He nearly jumped with excitement when he exclaimed, "We've got to hang these up!" I faught him tooth and nail because they are just some silly pictures I painted/sketched in high school and college. I never intended to erect the "Wall-O-Elizabeth." Anyway, I had to share his sweet act of kindness. I guess love IS blind!
Hey Elizabeth, Something weird just happened when I tried to preview my comment on you artwork so I'm going to try and remember my comment and send it again. Here goes -
Wow! I agree with Nathan. Those pieces are definitely wall worthy. Your children will treasure them some day and I hope you have enough children so that each child can have one art piece. :-) I do believe that you should carve out some time to pursue your art again. Hope to see y'all soon. Love, Aunt Lou
Wow! Elizabeth, you are so very talented! Those potraits are so awesome....let us see more! So now we know you are pretty and and really talented too!
Those paintings and sketches are beautiful! I'm so impressed!
Well - you have been holding out on me! I didn't know you were an artist!!!! Great pictures!
Nathan is such a proud husband!!! :-)
Your pictures are beautiful, we will be eating that chilli this weekend! Yippee for snow days! Sock them up!
I am very impressed with the artwork!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!
From one artist to another....YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!! what a sweet husband to hang them up!!!!
Hi, I loved the paintings and sketches made by you but I loved the gesture of your husband more than your sketches. He is so caring and so loving. I wish I could have a husband like this
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